Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Light Side Jedi

Will start by putting my knowledge to make a helpful guides for all those who wish to become great Master Jedi's. I do not recommend using light side jedi for PvP because most classes can beat it. the system at the moment is not completely updated so light side jedis are very few, but should be kept to PvE. Now I have done many PvP light side jedis and it's worked great to a certain point, but I chose not to add it unless a viewer request it.

I will first recommend gettting done with the Cloak Collection and getting all those holocrons.
3 types Armor/Mods you can use.
1st Elder Robes give high stat rating for 3 stats and good Armor Rating.
2nd Using traditional Armor that has been Modded. Ever since the update came out where jedi can use Armor this has been very popular to those who have not completed the jedi collection or who are not elders.
3rd Collection Cloaks giving stat increase to all stats and very nice Armor Rating as well as either lightning damage increase or lightsaber damage increase.

Light Side Jedi
Traditionally lightside jedi are made to be tanks sort to speak with crazy high heals and can take major damage.
Tank Jedi (PVE):
You will need to stack basic agi, str, con stats. For your exotics you should do Glancing Blow, Glancing Blow (range), Glancing Blow (melee). That would be in your shirt, lightsaber, and armor chest if you choose to go with armors. Entertainer Buff you will need something along the lines of Full Kin or Eng depending on what you are doing. then full Glance Blow. Then finish it off with 18% 2nd chance, and 4 in Agi. It should be like this for instance if I'm doing Exar Instance I would get this Kin, GB, 4/5 Agi, 18% 2nd Chance. The Mynock familiar works best with this build. Should be used with the Heroism Set. I suggest for food either Breath of Heaven with 200+ con or any high Agility food. Anything with +150 Agi is good.


  1. Hi, I would love to see your expertise and whatever you've used for successful pvp as well. Very interested in making myself a good LSJ.

    1. Hello! I was a very successful LS Jedi on FarStar. I had my expertise set fully into the lightside of the tree, with my clothing attachments and power ups consisting of prec, str, and cons, meditation, belt of bodo baas, guardian jewelry set. and with ent buffs I usually went with kin, en, GB and Prec. I had high crits for my heal and both my guardian strike and saber flurry. my saber reflect is what really got people a lot. I used Bane's Heart for the longest, but with all crystals available now... I switch between Sunrider's Destiny and Quintessence of the Force. The trivial hit chance debuff the electric crystals give are a MUST for a tanking build... But I was more a "Centurion" or dps tank... So I had points in expertise set to lightsaber damage, flurry/jedi strike damage as well, and my lightsaber attachment had prec, str, and lightsaber damage... I did very well in both PvE and PvP.
